Mild to moderate preoperative patellar tendinopathy may not significantly affect postoperative outcomes of ACL ...
Traditionally, doctors use either a patient's own bone (autograft) or donor bone (allograft) to fill these gaps. However, these methods come with challenges, including a limited supply ...
Traditional bone-patellar tendon-bone and hamstring tendon ACL grafts are not without limitations. A growing body of anatomic, biomechanical and clinical data has demonstrated the utility of ...
By removing the need for autograft harvesting ... “This product is set to revolutionise bone graft technology. “OsteoFlo HydroFiber provides a novel, customisable solution for surgeons ...
Bone grafts can be either taken from the patient’s own body (an autograft), from a donor’s body (allograft) or are engineered (ie a synthetic material). An autograft introduces the patient’s own ...
This systematic review has demonstrated excellent clinical outcomes (pain, strength, motion, and stability) after surgical treatment (repair and autograft reconstruction) of both acute and chronic ...
AJ Hospital has successfully performed a ground-breaking arthroscopic bone block procedure using an advanced instability ...