For cancers of organs like the liver, the long-term impact of our diet has been well studied—so much so that we have guidance ...
Non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) causes the rest. Both include many types of cells that grow and spread in different ways. They’re named according to what the cells look like under a microscope.
A Stanford University professor's new curriculum explores the multiple aspects and phases of a person dying of cancer, and it ...
At only age 28, the newlywed and busy teacher initially dismissed her symptoms. As her cough and fatigue worsened, she ...
He showed me another CT image from his laptop. “Look, this is two years later.” I was frightened. The picture was all white, like a cloud. The cancer had spread throughout the lungs. I couldn’t ask ...
Learn how new research and clinical trials at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) have helped 32-year-old Giancarlo ...
Lung cancer is presumed to be associated with smokers, but there are a significant number of cases of lung cancer that ...
"We are starting to see the effects of the pollution from those pits on young vets being diagnosed with lung cancer." Exposure to high doses of radiation, as well as chemicals like asbestos and ...
Typical carcinoids are grade 1 cancers. They are slow growing and less likely to spread outside the lungs. The cancer cells look very like normal cells. Doctors also call these well differentiated ...