Five years later, it’s grown into a small project flock for this young Glenfield rancher who began lambing in January.
Motherless since birth, Pollyanna was an ordinary happy-go-lucky girl, leaving peacefully with her father, the vicar. Then one day her life changes completely when her father dies and she has to ...
The happy game Pollyanna's father taught her soon spreads friendship and joy in the village. After succeeding to adopt a stray cat and dog, she sets her mind to 'fellow orphan' Jimmy Bean.
By Ashlie Miller In Pollyanna, the bright, cheery main character plays the “glad game,” where she considers joy and gratitude in the face of disappointment. In one instance, she recalls when her ...
Littleton’s best-known native is the beloved children’s book character, “Pollyanna,” the famously relentless optimist who never let a chance for happiness go to waste. Lately, they’re ...
PollyAnna Brown is a communication expert, journalist, and copywriter using her 15+ years of experience in entertainment and psychology to help business owners and entrepreneurs grow their ...