Terminator 2 ... robot to life; which was made entirely of intelligent liquid metal, capable of mimicking non-mechanical objects and people of its same mass. And the choice of Robert Patrick ...
As pointed out by the AV club, Robert Patrick who played T-1000, the menacing liquid metal robot assassin, in Terminator 2: Judgment Day recently stated that he was not the original choice for the ...
a more advanced exterminator than Robert Patrick's T-1000 in Terminator 2, was played by New York actress Kristanna Loken. She embodied the mechanical skeleton of a robot whose main target wasn't ...
In Terminator 2: Judgement Day, T-1000 is played by actor Robert Patrick ... “mega star looks” but they’re wasted on an evil robot, prompting T-1000 to ask “what is a mega star?” ...