With Terminator: Survivors having near-invulnerable machines as their primary enemy ... but a piece of concept art from Nacon ...
The original Terminator films, long before taglines took over and retcons ruined everything, still stand as some of the best ...
Sent back from a dystopian 2029--where the cold machines have conquered the entire world--to 1984 Los Angeles, the indestructible cyborg-assassin known as the "Terminator" commences his deadly ...
Soon a nuclear war will result - and the war against the machines will begin. Can the outdated CSM-101 Terminator eliminate the highly advanced T-X - or will a darker future await man following ...
There are few films from the '80s that still hold as much weight on their own as The Terminator ... The use of animatronics to build a better machine, coupled with Kyle Reese's tragic backstory ...
Battle for the future of humanity as Sarah Connor, the T-800 and John Connor in Terminator 2D: NO FATE for PS5 & PS4. Get the full details here!