The Washington and Lee University Department of Music provides exceptional experiences in music training in the context of an education in the liberal arts tradition by developing students’ abilities ...
The Washington and Lee University Department of Music provides exceptional experiences in music training in the context of an education in the liberal arts tradition by developing students’ abilities ...
The Department of East Asian Languages and Literature (EALL) is committed to the mission of liberal arts education in an increasingly diverse and global world, both for students pursuing the major and ...
Earth and Environmental Geoscience offers a highly relevant, integrative, scientific avenue of study for managing our interactions with the environment, providing adequate resources, ensuring the ...
Working Group on the History of African Americans at W&L In August 2013 Washington and Lee President Kenneth P. Ruscio established a working group to examine the role of African Americans in the ...
The Law, Justice and Society program brings together the Law School, Williams School and College in a curricular concept unlike what any other liberal arts college can offer. The program focuses on ...