Patient movement can cause the balloon catheter to displace either upwards towards the head and neck vessels or downwards causing possible occlusion ... inflates before aortic valve closes ...
Front Line Medical Technologies Inc. COBRA-OS REBOA (large vessel balloon occlusion device; 4-F; 25-mm-diameter balloon; guidewire-free) Aortic Temporary occlusion of large blood vessels and/or ...
Inc. Pruitt Aortic Occlusion Catheter Occlusion balloon Distal Designed for the purpose of obtaining rapid control of in-flow blood in the abdominal aorta in cases of ruptured aortic aneurysm or in ...
Sex differences in the risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes of patients with cardiovascular disease have been ...
The data raise questions about valve hemodynamics and the role of early imaging to stay ahead of clinical and subclinical ...
Medtronic released positive two-year trial Evolut TAVR results that demonstrated superior valve performance in small aortic ...
Yale operates first the BATMAN procedure in CT, a less invasive heart treatment offering faster recovery and new hope for ...
“You have to build it bent.” Morrow is part of a very small cadre of balloon artists seeking to use the medium to express the profound. For Morrow, his ballooning journey began in Rio de ...
The installation features Kardashian in a blue Skims swim top and bottom. The balloon is elevated on a sleek 4-foot blue deck and wrapped in the brand's signature logo, making it impossible to ...
Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty is a seductive concept for treating severely symptomatic patients with critical aortic stenosis who are not good surgical candidates. Indeed, the procedure often ...
Central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO) is an ophthalmological emergency ... and echochardiogram found an enlargement of left auricle and hypertrophy of left ventricle, with mild aortic insufficiency.
Ahead of print articles are peer reviewed, accepted articles to be published in this publication. When the final article is assigned to volumes/issues of the publication, the ahead of print article ...