Drivers should expect lane closures on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in the westbound direction through May, ...
A motorcyclist was hit twice in a fatal crash on the Bay Bridge during the busy Friday commute, officials said. The collision ...
A motorcyclist on the Bay Bridge was ejected from his vehicle into a lane of oncoming traffic when he crashed into a car and ...
A class action lawsuit has been filed, people are avoiding the toll bridges, and now a Bay City area construction company is ...
It’s another month of nightly bridge closures for Bay City’s Independence Bridge, according to the company leasing the ...
CHP confirmed that a multi-vehicle fatal crash on the eastern end of the Bay Bridge in Oakland where eastbound I-80 connects ...
After Thursday’s decision in Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, Ethan Fowler may be able to expunge his 2020 felony ...
This is the story of how a 2019 decision to privatize two drawbridges led to tolls and unexpected consequences for Bay City residents.