Thus Black Mask and his "Party Animals" have room to move in and claim the streets for themselves. They're a particularly vicious group, but it's all in the spirit of their leader, a man who only ...
Black Mask tells a story of his childhood in a broadcast to Gotham City, revealing he worked on a farm helping slaughter pigs and occasionally hitting them in the portion of the brain that floods ...
LINCOLN HEIGHTS, Ohio – In the days since a neo-Nazi demonstration rattled residents here, a group of men began guarding its streets, many donning all black and wearing masks, with rifles in hand.
Genetic modification means Black Mask has superhuman fighting and healing powers. He is searching the world for top geneticists who might be able to reverse his mutation, which has stolen his ...
Ewan McGregor spoke with Men's Journal about going head-to-head with Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn as Black Mask in the new DC Comic movie Birds of Prey. In the film, McGregor's Black Mask teams ...