It affects your mood, your sleep, even your motivation to exercise. There's convincing evidence that it's the starting point for Parkinson's disease and could be responsible for long COVID's cognitive ...
New research reveals how fluoxetine boosts immune protection and prevents sepsis-related heart and metabolic damage. Study: Fluoxetine promotes IL-10–dependent metabolic defenses to protect from ...
Scientists at the Salk Institute studying a mouse model of sepsis uncovered how the SSRI fluoxetine can regulate the immune system and defend against infectious disease, and found that this ...
Hint: It's all in the suffix. Viagra, Prozac, Xanax, and Zoloft all went through a process to select memorable names.
In a sample of nearly 20,000 people who have taken selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 75% report they found them helpful, finds new research from the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology ...
New research reveals how fluoxetine boosts immune protection and prevents sepsis-related heart and metabolic damage. Study: Fluoxetine promotes IL-10–dependent metabolic defenses to protect from ...
Jigsaw is a young adult cat who has been having a problem. He is literally tearing his hair out. Okay, technically cats have ...
Another study found that Prozac—also known as fluoxetine—was effective in protecting mice against sepsis, a life-threatening condition in which the body's immune system overreacts to an ...
Part of you is concerned — after all, you know depression can be serious — but on the other hand, can’t weight loss be a good thing? And is depression weight loss even a thing in the first place?
An abundance of data show that SSRIs, a class of drugs commonly used as antidepressants, are effective, though, like any drug, they have risks.
This article is co-authored by Chiara Staal, a psychologist in the Netherlands (first author). Psychoanalysis has, to put it mildly, fallen out of favor. Whereas the ideas of Sigmund Freud and his ...
But Benton noted that SSRIs such as fluoxetine, better known as Prozac, have been around since the ’80s and have decades of evidence supporting their safety and efficacy. She noted there is another ...