Despite most characters in Dragon Ball surpassing the original version of Super Saiyan Goku, some never did – and never will.
Dragon Ball has introduced a secret buff to Gohan’s Super Saiyan transformation, and it makes a ton of sense considering what ...
To start, keep in mind that these battles are only from the Dragon Ball Z series. This means that we won’t be including fights from the original Dragon Ball story, Dragon Ball Super, and/or Dragon ...
However, this has prompted the fandom to debate which one of Gohan's teachers was the better one and whose finishing attack would better suit him. So, let's go over both Goku and Piccolo's ...
Gohan and Boruto have immense untapped powers, making them formidable opponents. Gohan, while stronger, may not unleash all ...
Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero brings Beast Gohan back as an unforgettable transformation, proving why he's among the most ...