In healthcare facilities, where sterile aesthetics replace trees, plants and flowers, nature-based interventions can support the well-being of patients and staff who spend much of their time indoors.
In healthcare facilities, where sterile aesthetics replace trees, plants and flowers, nature-based interventions can support the well-being of patients and staff who spend much of their time indoors.
Where does the world get its silver? In 2023, silver mines produced 830.5 million ounces of silver. That total is projected to decline by about 1 percent to 823.5 million ounces in 2024.
Theory will achieve LEED Silver certification, a level set to buildings that optimize for eco-friendly materials and overall construction. The apartment complex is set to open in Fall 2026.
“One of those goals was to get Miami to commit to a minimum LEED Silver rating for all big projects,” Prytherch said. “Miami had said, ‘Oh yeah, we do green building, everything we do is green ...
Based on preliminary data, the silver market ran its fourth consecutive record market deficit last year. This was one of several silver-related stories highlighted in the latest issue of the Silver ...