The film follows Moana as she answers a call from her ancestors, embarking on a new adventure into uncharted waters, testing her friendship with Maui. The film is aimed towards families ...
For The Rock, it became a mission to convince his daughter that he’s actually the voice behind Maui in Moana. He’s tried again and again, singing You’re Welcome to her with all the ...
HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - Hawaii fashion made the red carpet on Sunday. Dana Ledoux Miller, director and co-writer for “Moana 2,” was spotted wearing a design by Manaola at the Golden Globe ...
An animator has sued Disney for allegedly copying the idea for hit franchise Moana from his decades-old screenplay without his consent. Buck Woodall filed a suit in a California federal court on ...
The lawsuit alleges similarities between "Bucky" and Disney’s films "Moana" and "Moana 2." Woodall is seeking $10 billion in damages and a court order to prevent further infringement.
The biopic about Bob Dylan isn’t the only film about a real person in theaters right now. There’s also THE FIRE INSIDE, about Claressa Shields, the first American woman to win an Olympic gold ...
Children and adults love to make this easy yoghurt cake. See the 'Top Tip' for how to skip the scales and use a yoghurt pot instead! Go with the rosewater and lime flavour or swap in lemon or ...
This is an easy vanilla traybake cake that’s perfect for school events, birthdays or office parties. It’s light, but still sturdy enough to be transported easily. Got a different sized tray?
With only a little over a week left for the Academy to announce the 2025 Oscar contenders, Disney is facing a lawsuit for allegedly copying ideas for Moana and its recently released sequel.