Sakamoto Days is a new anime series that tells the story of an ex-hitman who settled down and started a family — but enemies ...
Mobile Suit Gundam is one of the longest-running mecha anime series, spanning dozens of series, games, model kits, and more.
Anime is often dismissed as simply cartoon entertainment. However, many philosophical anime series and films tackle complex philosophical themes that explore the human condition.
A humble sports anime trumps major contenders like Sakamoto Days and The Apothecary Diaries for the title of Japan's most ...
which are the basis of this list. Whether a long-time fan or a newcomer to the franchise, here are some of the best Fate anime in terms of story and plot, ranked.
Japanese director Momaru Hosada must be getting the premium treatment, because Wolf Children just got its own 4K Steelbook!
Castlevania: Nocturne recently has been revealed to make the top ten list on Netflix’s global scale for its second straight ...
We rank every emperor of the sea from the hit anime series One Piece, based on how strong they are, from Shanks to Buggy The ...
Here is the list of all Anime Immortals codes that you can redeem for free gems, potions, and other in-game items in this ...
The official Crunchyroll YouTube channel just recently dropped a new music video featuring the opening song for one of the ...
What are the best Roblox games ... To get a head start, we have a list of the currently available Anime Champions Simulator codes to give you extra currency for more hero spins.
January 26, 2025: We have added three new Anime Reborn codes to this list. What are the new Anime ... Your goal is to pack out your party with the best units, give them the top traits, and work ...