The M30 controller by 8Bitdo, featuring an iconic design from the Sega Genesis controller, is now available on Amazon at a discounted price of $25.49.
P-47 MD II, a shoot 'em up completed for the Genesis in 1990 but never released, is getting a limited edition physical ...
Ecco the Dolphin was released all the way back in 1992 for the Sega Mega Drive (or Genesis, for those over ... Ecco negotiating underwater cave systems while booping jelly fish and such out ...
If you want to play classic video games, but don't want to deal with low-resolution graphics and awkward analog video ...
Sega are behind some of the greatest video games on the market today, and its history as a console manufacturer is now a ...
Sega has no plans to produce additional mini consoles, including the Saturn or Dreamcast. Sega’s CEO stated that the company is focusing on modern games to attract today’s gamers. Sega may ...
The original Mega Drive/Genesis sold over 30 million units worldwide during its lifetime. Both consoles were hugely popular, and fans were hoping for mini versions of the Sega Master System ...
TL;DR: SEGA has officially confirmed it will not make any more mini consoles, and that there are no plans to create mini versions of the SEGA Saturn or Dreamcast systems. It's official ...
29 April 1925 saw the opening in Paris of the Exposition Internationale des Arts Décoratifs et Industriels Modernes, a seven-month expo that showcased contemporary design. The ‘Arts Décoratifs’ in the ...
The PC Engine—aka. the TurboGrafx-16 in North America—is an often-forgotten retro console that featured some rare (and now ...
A list of the 10 Best PS1 Disney licensed games from multiple genres, including platformers, kart racers, and puzzle battle ...