In Ultimate Fantastic Four #35 by Mike Carey and Pasqual Ferry, the world was introduced to Thanos of Earth-1610. As opposed to Earth-616’s Thanos (Marvel Comics and MCU), Ultimate Thanos hails ...
a popular theory states that Tony Stark was the anchor being on Earth-616, due to the sacrifice he made to defeat Thanos’ army. With his demise, the sacred timeline could be on track for its ...
Also, let’s not forget that Marvel brought Thanos back to life in Endgame. The original Earth-616 villain died early in the movie. We then saw a different Thanos travel to the main MCU reality ...
And it gets even worse once you consider that half of every plant species on Earth is gone, too. More from News Meanwhile, check out Thanos' master plan. Gamora: "The entire time I knew Thanos ...