Shreve Memorial Library is encouraging children and their families to do just that through the library’s “Read Around the ...
A verdict of “unlawful killing” was returned at an inquest into the death of student journalist Joe Drennan, who was fatally injured in a hit and run, in Limerick, two years ago.
The 90s were a treasure trove of offbeat syndicated shows based on every intellectual property in the public domain, from … ...
( This story is part of The Hindu on Books newsletter that comes to you with book reviews, reading recommendations, ...
From the lost Eden of Marguerite’s birthright ... her voice never quite seems adequate to the fierce, dangerous world of the 1530s and ’40s. Ms. Goodman, despite her impeccable sense of ...
Comtesse d'Haussonville' by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres will be back on view in New York when the museum reopens this April ...
Let’s start by discussing “Lost Lands and Sunken Fields” at the ... professionally and in the world during that time. My production has also transformed and evolved greatly.
Explore the Windy City through tracks by Ramsey Lewis, Ahmad Jamal, Lester Bowie and the contemporary artists at the ...
March is going to be an exciting month at Rialto Theatre as diverse productions are coming to the stage. From shows highlighting French singers and Greek composers, and performances that chronicle the ...
A Statue that Travelled the World will present its new production ... Franz Kafka met a little girl in the park who had just lost her doll. The theatrical productions will continue the following ...
After her daughter died as a teenager and she also lost her husband ... In 1917, she went to work for modern artists William and Marguerite Zorach in Greenwich Village to take care of their ...
But though Houellebecq’s style has similarities with those of Edgar Allan Poe, Marguerite Duras ... navigating and responding to a tumultuous world”. They speak about, among other things ...