Recent water monitoring on Utah Lake revealed two new areas that are now under a health watch for harmful algae blooms: American Fork Marina and Lindon Marina, where teams saw visible signs of algae.
But at least for the time being, selling them has allowed BlueGreen to test its version of Lake Guard at Mantua Reservoir in Utah, which has struggled to deal with harmful algal blooms every year ...
Modern dust contains fertilizers, pesticides and tiny plastics, said Janice Brahney, an associate professor with Utah State ... lead to toxic algae blooms. In mountain lake ecosystems, these ...
A recent conference organized by Chautauqua Institution highlighted ongoing research on the lake which shed some light on the conditions that facilitate harmful algae (Cyanobacteria) blooms. Attendees ...
Past analyses of the Corps’ schedule for discharges from the lake failed to consider the long-term impacts of high-volume discharges beyond three years, discounted the effects of harmful algae blooms, ...