What does he plan to buy with his prize money? “Gum and a toy,” says the hunter.
Buckmasters is making big changes in 2025 to simplify antler scoring and make it more accessible for hunters of all ...
Erich Carlson has a unique talent that helps him express his wildlife art on different types of bird tail feathers, and his ...
A routine deer hunting trip in West Texas took an unexpected turn when a hunter unearthed what experts have confirmed to be a mammoth tusk.
Will Juett had doubts when a hunter told him they'd found something on the 02 Ranch even more rare than a trophy buck. An ...
But serious shed hunting will help you learn more about the animals you hunt in the fall. Diehard whitetail hunters pride themselves upon collecting the same buck’s sheds, year after year. Western ...
Some of the biggest whitetail bucks ever to walk this earth were never fooled by a hunter, nor found dead by anyone. More than one had the headgear to become B&C and P&Y world records, but none is ...
Matt Brunswick's non-typical whitetail scored 232 3/8 and ranks as one of the largest bucks recorded in Hancock County, Ohio. (Submitted photo) Does it seem to you that every year Ohio’s ...
Terry Drury of Drury Outdoors knows enough to not pressure a mature buck, but he felt like conditions were perfect for taking multiple swings at this giant whitetail—all from the same stand.
After the old growth was cut, whitetail deer, which favor a younger forest, moved into the Arrowhead. Deer don’t eat balsam fir but they feast upon white pine, white cedar, and other desirable ...
According to the post, last Thanksgiving, a Kansas Game Wardens was called out on his day off to a whitetail buck stuck in a fence. It was apparent that the buck had been there most of the night ...