A smaller bust from early last month has implicated 22 individual deer breeders operating in 11 Texas counties. (Photo/TPW) ...
Unlike Ruffed Grouse and Bobwhite quail, Ohio’s deer archery season now extends into February and just closed, as did the ...
The Pennsylvania Game Commission will hold big game scoring sessions in several regions across the state. The events are an ...
When Bob D’Angelo became the coordinator of the Pennsylvania Big Game Scoring Program in 2008, there were only a few certified scorers in the state. Today, there are four or five scorers in each ...
Those bringing racks or bear skulls are asked to bring ... And it’s not just white-tailed deer that are populating record books. D’Angelo said the state’s elk herd, which numbers around ...
the state’s deer harvest surpassed 238,000, which counted as the fourth-highest total on record. Reporting here now, central Ohio counties – with one exception − shared in the whitetail ...
Whitetail deer throughout the state typically cast off or “shed ... After that, they often grow smaller racks in comparison to previous years. Antlers versus horns And while we’re here, a quick word ...