Including: Hungary, Berne conference, Russia, Sylvia Pankhurst on rumours that the Dreadnought received £6000 from Russia, ...
We need your voices, your solidarity, and your actions to amplify our actions for justice and resistance. From 24 February we ...
Including: UK crisis, surviving Polish syndicalists regroup, conditions in the catering industry, Tom Brown on the middle ...
Communism is not merely a collection of theories for struggle; it is a profound commitment to proletarian and communist values. The resentment, anger, and solidarity of communists are deeply rooted in ...
A moment from the joint rallies of Ukrainian, Russian and local opponents of the war held on December 21 in Berlin, Cologne ...
The attempt to bridge the gap between art and politics in the same moment retaining Leninist ideology appeared with Mao Dada ...
Including: Labour Party sets army on strikers, Tom Brown on anarchists and private property, German P.O.W.s in England, ...
Including: prospects for WWIII, Spanish anarchists on the rise, James Connolly and the unions, Japanese chemical workers lock ...
This is an update on the status of publication of the MEGA2 after the collapse of the GDR and the USSR, by Jürgen Rojahn then Secretary of the Internationale Marx-Engels-Stiftung (IMES), Amsterdam; ...
Maoist 'science' became more of a pseudo religion with a materialist core, founded on the basis of Marxist Leninist-Maoism, full of sureties, megalomania and an incredible monopoly of the dialectic.