WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration has ordered the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to stop nearly all its work, effectively shutting down an agency that was created to protect ...
When the door was cracked open, there were young people with temporary badges. It was fresh evidence that the agency, which was created to protect Americans from financial fraud, abuse and ...
Publié hier à 6 h 40 Agence France-Presse Selon Reporters sans frontières (RSF), cet outil démontre qu’un « usage responsable de l’IA est possible dans les rédactions » à condition ...
Le suspect a été mis en examen ce lundi, selon une source proche du dossier rapportée par l’« Agence France Presse » (AFP). Votre e-mail, avec votre consentement, est utilisé par Ouest ...
The UAE will invest between €30 billion and €50 billion to build Europe’s largest AI data centre in France, the French presidency announced Thursday. Part of a broader AI agreement between ...
PARIS :France's antitrust agency is investigating Microsoft over concerns that it is degrading the quality of results when smaller rivals pay to use Bing technology in their own search-engine ...
PARIS :France's EDF said on Monday it had identified four sites on its own land for data centres, as the state-owned utility seeks to speed up investments in the power-hungry infrastructure.
Mis à jour hier à 19 h 41 Agence France-Presse Le National Institutes of Health (NIH) a dit vendredi soir plafonner à 15 % le financement de « frais indirects » liés à la recherche ...
France is making a bid to catch up in the artificial intelligence race by leaning on one of its strengths: plentiful nuclear power. The French government plans Monday to pledge a gigawatt of ...
At times, Kevin Roose writes, it feels like he is watching policymakers on horseback trying to install seatbelts on a passing ...
The Trump administration plans to reduce the number of staff at the US government's giant humanitarian agency USAID to fewer than 300 people from more than 10,000, the New York Times reported ...