From the iconic and literary to the nostalgic and silly, these are the favorite first lines of the Michigan Daily Book Review ...
In “Red Scare,” Clay Risen shows how culture in the United States is still driven by the political paranoia of the 1950s.
Both were by the French poet, social worker and mystic Madeleine Delbrêl: “For the Gospel to reveal its mystery, no special ...
Daniel Kahneman, author of the popular book “Thinking, Fast and Slow”, had not told anyone about his decision apart from ...
As guitarist and a key architect of the Eighties band’s iconic sound, Mike Campbell rode the highs and lows of band life ...
For activists pushing a cause, this book offers nine tips for success.  It was written by one of the nation’s foremost ...
Even minor human errors in interpreting regulations or internal accounting standards forming part of operational risk (OR) ...
Oscar winner Audrey Hepburn lived Cinderella story of fame and fashion, never forgot roots as victim of Nazis, war and ...
As part of this year's ReadUP event, Strayed visited UP on March 13 to discuss her memoir, writing process and working ...
How did the author of "The Savannah Cook Book" fenagle famous poet Ogden Nash to write the introduction? Polly Powers Stramm finds out.
Fearless endurance artist, magician and mentalist David Blaine learns from the masters in a new TV series, so we don’t have to.
We talk to Richard Hanania, an influential thinker on the online right, about how he got DEI dismantled and why he’s fallen ...