Laura Tobin‘s weather report on Good Morning Britain on Friday, March 14, instantly became viral while dividing viewers with ...
When it comes to the “way harsh” quote, it's uttered when Brittany Murphy’s Tai calls Cher a “virgin who can’t drive” while ...
Laura Tobin, a meteorologist for Britain’s ITV took her Clueless fandom to a whole other level this week, as she gave a ...
30 years on from our first introduction to Cher Horowitz and her iconic yellow plaid fit, Clueless is coming to the West End ...
Clueless the movie celebrates – gulp – its 30th birthday this year, but its protagonists are forever young and wrinkle-free, the posturing teenage alpha males and females of B ...
How Clueless the Musical went from a ‘full-on Monet’ to a ‘total Baldwin’ - IN FOCUS: With a fresh script and songs by KT ...