Despite their eerie appearance, deep-fried stone worms are a sought-after specialty of Vietnam’s Thai ethnic group.
Savages,' a new stop-motion gem from 'My Life as a Zucchini' director Claude Barras, tells the story of two children saving a ...
Harris and Ohs on their arch new body-horror psychodrama The True Beauty of Being Bitten by a Tick, and watching Charli XCX play against type.
Jenna Ortega has made a name for herself in the horror genre, and her next dream project could take her straight into the world of Gremlins.
Critters gets lumped in with Hobgoblins and Ghoulies, but it's much more, though still offers some of what makes Gremlins ...
The 2010s introduced unique horror monsters, blending body horror, psychological terror, and social commentary for lasting ...
This week’s retro trailer is for the 1987 creature feature horror comedy Munchies. This is a low-budget film that attempts to ...
Horror movies like The Blair Witch Project and The Texas Chain Saw Massacre are so terrifying that you won't want to leave ...
One of the biggest letdowns is the Krites themselves. While the practical effects are decent, the intergalactic beasts lack ...