Roche has put forward a new approach to genetic analysis, which it describes as sequencing-by-expansion—a proprietary method that pulls apart the DNA molecule and amplifies the signal of each ...
Public Service Commissioner Sir Brian Roche fears the sheer number of entities, departments and agencies – some of which are small – creates inefficiencies and duplication.
Newleos Ther­a­peu­tics emerged Thurs­day with $93.5 mil­lion and a bun­dle of oral small mol­e­cules that it li­censed from Roche, fur­ther demon­strat­ing that the phar­ma-to-start ...
The biotechnology company’s pipeline, which it licensed from Swiss pharmaceutical giant Roche, has four drugs in human testing for conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, substance use disorder ...
Helmed by Roche alums, Newleos Therapeutics is taking over four drugs dropped from the Swiss pharma’s pipeline in early 2024. Newly launched Newleos Therapeutics has secured $93.5 million in series A ...
Geology is the study of Earth's history, composition and evolution. We tackle this through a multidisciplinary programme stretching from understanding Earth materials, internal processes that cause ...