It's Town Meeting Day in communities throughout New Hampshire, which means people are voting on issues that affect them at the local level.
On Monday morning, the Clinton County Commissioners selected winners from each grade for the Clinton County Solid Waste ...
Residents in more than 100 New Hampshire communities will vote or attend Town Meeting Day on Tuesday to decide local spending ...
Spring Festival box-office revenues experienced a remarkable surge, hitting a record of 9.51 billion yuan ($1.31 billion) by ...
Our mission is quite simple,” says 8th grader Dash Kenney, Student Council Treasurer. “We just want to make our school a ...
Residents at Industry’s annual town meeting Saturday approved all 34 warrant articles, including a Local Food Sovereignty ...
The Riverhead Town Board adopted new meeting rules and decided that Scott’s Pointe’s application to legalize already-built features, including a go-kart track does not require a full ...
Riverhead council members approved a ban of signs at Town Board meetings, angering residents who say the measure restricts ...
After spending most of the 1970s in Aspen during the peak of the counterculture movement, Ross ‘Jagmo’ Honhart found himself ...
Approximately 80 registered voters in the Town of Dorset gathered at The Dorset School for Town Meeting Day for the last time ...
The Riverhead Town Board on Tuesday unanimously adopted changes to its rules and procedures, including banning the public from bringing signs into town board meetings, though an initially proposed ...
We gather as a community in the oldest sense of the word,” Branagan said reading from a quote used in Danville’s Town ...