King Harald was enjoying a sports match. All while Queen Sonja was undergoing surgery. Now the monarch is being sharply ...
Prince Daniel's film festival has degenerated into a huge row. The Guldbaggegala is now shaken by a huge infected argument ...
The soldier slipped and was impaled on his own bayonet. "I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this guy will be okay," said the ...
Princess Madeleine is back home in Sweden. In a major interview, she talks about her new life - and her worries about her ...
Crown Princess Victoria, 47, has taken her first steps towards a career as an officer in the Swedish Armed Forces.
How many schnapps will go with the herring? Prince Daniel has a special relationship with alcohol. Now the royal's drinking habits are revealed in a new book.
Viewers were amazed. Suddenly, Queen Silvia appeared on "På spåret". The feature came as a real surprise. S VT's popular quiz show "På spåret" with Kristian Luuk, 58, continues to surprise viewers.
Recent developments in the California wildfire disaster have attracted attention from both local and international profiles.
Kronprinsessan Victoria räddade hans liv. Nu avslöjar hovexperten Roger Lundgren om hur kungligheten fick honom att överge ...
Prins Daniel i möte med Donald Trump. Låter det osannolikt? Tänk om – för snart kan det bli möjligt. Sedan prins Daniel, 51, ...
Det blir bara värre. Nu skakar ett nytt misstänkt sexbrott den norska kungafamiljen. Återigen är det kronprinsessan ...
Det smutsiga miljardbråket får konsekvenser. Nu kastas drottning Silvias skandalväninna Kirstine von Blixen-Finecke ut från ...