Popular author and preacher Francis Chan was recently questioned by fellow pastors who are trying to get their heads around Chan's decision to leave his megachurch. "I'll be honest. Everybody thinks ...
Bell details this search in a recent interview with The New Yorker, and discusses his invitation to Christians interested in a different kind of church, "one that can keep pace with the rising ...
Well-Being Australia chairman, Australian Baptist minister Mark Tronson, has been reflecting over the past twelve months on the ministry of an US athlete who is a house hold name in that country, as ...
"God is good and His timing is perfect!" Pastor Houston shared in a blog post explaining the expansion of his ministry to Hollywood. "Los Angeles is a city of millions of people â€" people chasing ...
After a memorable 25-year run, Winfrey will be leaving daytime television with a more quiet and personal show of simply thanking her viewers. It's the finale episode of one of the world's most ...
The Pastor's Pastor the Reverend Dr Rowland Croucher of John Mark Ministries based in Melbourne has reflected on mystery and faith and initially sets up his discussion with these scriptures: My ...
Christians often declare that they have the answer, the "gospel", the insights that the world is longing to hear. Yet if you travel to any location on the planet you'll find most churches are ...
Bishop Justin Welby has many gifts and unique experience to bring to this daunting office. More importantly he, like Archbishop Rowan, is a man of God. I have been praying for him, will go on doing so ...
The Brave Foundation which supports women who face unexpected and teenage pregnancy has been officially launched in Australia today. The charity is primarily concerned with assisting teens in coping ...
Nick Vujicic had a word of encouragement for people feeling knocked back in life: don't let fear hold you back. The Australian evangelist, who was born without arms or legs, was speaking before a ...
Grammy Award winning singer-songwriter, Elton John, has said that if Jesus were alive today, he would allow same-sex couples including clergy to get married. "We live in a different time," the openly ...
Each weekday, he fires up the studio with co-host Richelle Wenham, bringing quirky humour, interesting guests, practical wisdom and insight from Scripture. Rise and Shine's bright and bubbly format is ...