Ahase Tharu (Film: Baduth Ekka Horu) Kelani Gangen (with Sadhana Abeysekera) (Originally ???) Sakwala Lookayak (Film:???) ...
Clean onions chillies(malu miris)and dates. Boil vinegar and cook onions, chillies(malu miris) for 5 minutes. Drain from vinegar and add dates to it. Mix chilli ...
Finely chop the Kehel Muwa and soak it in salt water. Add a bit of turmeric powder and mix. Heat the oil in a pan, and add the onions and curry leaves. When partially fried, reduce the heat. Add the ...
Mix the three kinds of flour together, with a pinch of salt and set aside. Toss calamari rings in flour mixture shake to remove the excess flour. Drop into hot oil and fry till cook through and crispy ...
It is good to know that the Tamil racists also read the internet edition of the "Kalaya" published by the Chintana Parshadaya. On the seventeenth of June in the Cat's Eye column, in "The Island" ...
Steam or microwave okra till tender. Cut up okra in to very thin slices, cut the red chillies, tomatoes, onion and mix with lime and salt to taste.
Aa Chandaniya Paayaa (Originally Rukmani Devi) Aa Haa Enna Aadara Geetha Gayaala (with Greshan Ananda) Aadare Obe Soyaala Aaley Sepathaa (with Mohideen Beag) (Originally with ???) Aappa Weladaamey ...
Bring the milk to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. This step is necessary for some chemical reactions to occur. While the milk is hot, dissolve the milk powder in small portion of hot milk and add to ...
First temper half the portion of onions, garlic, full quantities of ginger, green chili, 2 tomatoes, cloves, sadicca, and curry leaves in 2 tbsp of ghee. Add 3/4 pkt of biriyani mix in to it and let ...
Heat oil in a pan, add mustard seed and cumin. Fry for few minutes till the seeds pop. You might want to close the pan with a lid so that the seeds will not pop out of the pan. Add the rest of the ...