What is the meaning of "Niko Niko knee caps "? - Question
May 28, 2021 · it is a slang term and usually used for meme purposes. ‘Nico Nico’ is taken from the popular anime Love Live! It is supposed to be a threat of breaking someones knees but by adding in the ‘Nico Nico’ it is supposed to be a cute way of threatening someone. However, this phrase is mostly used as a joke, it is a bit hard to explain i’m sorry
"Niko Niko knee caps "是什麼意思? - 關於英語 (美國)(英文)的 …
it is a slang term and usually used for meme purposes. ‘Nico Nico’ is taken from the popular anime Love Live! It is supposed to be a threat of breaking someones knees but by adding in the ‘Nico Nico’ it is supposed to be a cute way of threatening someone. However, this phrase is mostly used as a joke, it is a bit hard to explain i’m sorry
Cosa significa "Nico Nico nii"? - Domanda di Giapponese - HiNative
Feb 13, 2020 · While yes, it's the catchphrase of Niko in Love Live and also part of the name of Nico Nico Douga, it's actually a common thing in Japan as well. I recently heard my Japanese teacher saying "niko niko ni" and was wondering. She can hardly speak English or German, but she said something like "lächeln" (smile in English), to translate it.
What is the meaning of "Nico Nico ni"? - Question about Japanese
Apr 10, 2017 · Definition of Nico Nico ni English (US) French (France) German Italian Japanese Korean Polish Portuguese (Brazil) Portuguese (Portugal) Russian Simplified Chinese (China) Spanish (Mexico) Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) Turkish Vietnamese
【Nico Nico nii】とはどういう意味ですか? - 日本語に関する質 …
May 30, 2016 · While yes, it's the catchphrase of Niko in Love Live and also part of the name of Nico Nico Douga, it's actually a common thing in Japan as well. I recently heard my Japanese teacher saying "niko niko ni" and was wondering. She can hardly speak English or German, but she said something like "lächeln" (smile in English), to translate it.
"Nico Nico nii" có nghĩa là gì? - Câu hỏi về Tiếng Nhật | HiNative
While yes, it's the catchphrase of Niko in Love Live and also part of the name of Nico Nico Douga, it's actually a common thing in Japan as well. I recently heard my Japanese teacher saying "niko niko ni" and was wondering. She can hardly speak English or German, but she said something like "lächeln" (smile in English), to translate it.
"Nico Nico nii"是什么意思? -关于日语(日文) | HiNative
While yes, it's the catchphrase of Niko in Love Live and also part of the name of Nico Nico Douga, it's actually a common thing in Japan as well. I recently heard my Japanese teacher saying "niko niko ni" and was wondering. She can hardly speak English or German, but she said something like "lächeln" (smile in English), to translate it.
Do people (dancer, utaite etc) with many views on nicovideo (nico …
Do people (dancer, utaite etc) with many views on nicovideo (nico nico douga) make money like people on youtube?
Que signifie "Nico Nico nii" ? - Question Japonais - HiNative
While yes, it's the catchphrase of Niko in Love Live and also part of the name of Nico Nico Douga, it's actually a common thing in Japan as well. I recently heard my Japanese teacher saying "niko niko ni" and was wondering. She can hardly speak English or German, but she said something like "lächeln" (smile in English), to translate it.
O que significa "Nico Nico nii"? - Pergunta sobre a Japonês
While yes, it's the catchphrase of Niko in Love Live and also part of the name of Nico Nico Douga, it's actually a common thing in Japan as well. I recently heard my Japanese teacher saying "niko niko ni" and was wondering. She can hardly speak English or German, but she said something like "lächeln" (smile in English), to translate it.