windows - Missing maven .m2 folder - Stack Overflow
May 21, 2011 · This answer lead me to solve my problem. In my case the maven command was run under SYSTEM account by some script. On previous server, the .m2 was located at C:\.m2. But on a recent server update (with newer windows) it seems to be found on C:\Windows\System32\config\systemprofile\.m2 –
Where is my m2 folder on Mac OS X Mavericks - Stack Overflow
Jun 30, 2014 · It answers the title "Where is my m2 folder on Mac OS X Mavericks" (as well as the implicit question in the body of the post) by showing how to find it, just like two of the other answers. It also implicitly answers the question "Should I create it?", i.e. -> if you can't find it by doing a proper search for it, then it doesn't exist, and if ...
java - .m2 , settings.xml in Ubuntu - Stack Overflow
Nov 13, 2012 · In the windows environment you will have .m2 folder in C:\Users\user_name location and you will copy your settings.xml file to it in order to setup your proxy settings and nexus repository locations and etc.
Must you create the .m2/repository folder manually
Jul 1, 2016 · Second, the contents of .m2 are: A settings.xml file that contains global settings for all maven executions. A folder called repository that holds all of the local copies of various maven artifacts, either caches of artifacts pulled down from remote repositories, such as Maven Central, or artifacts built by your local maven builds. The ...
maven - How to specify an alternate location for the .m2 folder or ...
May 20, 2013 · I am using Maven 3.0, and my .m2 folder location is C:\Users\me\.m2.. However, I do not have write access to that folder, but I want to change the repository location from the one defined in the settings.xml.
Why can't I find my settings.xml under ~/.m2? - Stack Overflow
Oct 26, 2016 · Tip: If you need to create user-specific settings from scratch, it’s easiest to copy the global settings from your Maven installation to your ${user.home}/.m2 directory. Maven’s default settings.xml is a template with comments and examples so you can quickly tweak it to match your needs. Maven Settings Reference Guide. So simply
eclipse - How to clear .m2 Maven folder? - Stack Overflow
Oct 7, 2015 · Maven downloads all dependencies to a folder .m2/repository in the user's home directory (i.e. C:\users\[your user name]\.m2\repository on Windows. When you delete this folder, Maven creates the folder and downloads the dependencies …
java - Setting up M2_REPO classpath - Stack Overflow
Mar 17, 2016 · M2_REPO is a variable that defines where maven 2 repository is on your disk; This means: add definition of M2_REPO to XML file that defines the eclipse workspace; You can do the same manually if you want. That is what I personally did. Just go to Window/Preferences and then choose Java/Build Path/Classpath Variables.
MAVEN_HOME, MVN_HOME or M2_HOME - Stack Overflow
Oct 28, 2014 · There, a directory .m2 is contained, where one finds settings.xml. Never use M2_HOME. It is unsupported since Apache Maven 3.5.0: Based on problems in using M2_HOME related to different Maven versions installed and to simplify things, the usage of M2_HOME has been removed and is not supported any more MNG-5823, MNG-5836, MNG-5607.
gradle with Java: When does .m2 folder gets created while using …
Apr 22, 2020 · And wondering if .m2 folder will be created when I execute this. or will this work without creating .m2 local repo. I read that local repo is needed only for maven, not grade. So, in this case where Gradle is used to access maven repo to download dependencies, is .m2 folder needed. When does this .m2 folder gets created?